1. Planners, esp. talking ones, esp. the ones that sleep less to work more but still find emphatic importance in social interactions, drinks, movies, massages
2. Kudos, subtle compliments, not so subtle compliments
3. People who are liked by people who like people, who go really hard out of way to be friendly and friends with people who wouldn't otherwise
4. Psychology tests, experiments
5. Simulation and simulacra, however contrived it may seem
6. Abstract shit, like reality and original truth
7. Calvin and Hobbes
8. Drivers, who drive groups of annoying people to and from Rochester
9. Law students, who are weird
10. Females, who show an excess of affection out of unclear motivations, but who are always always welcome to the couch
11. Chillin', with secret stash of strong alcohols, but more importantly, weird agreement among people who are forced to live together to enjoy the table for the moment
12. Meowing, late night ramen, obsession over fruits, mainly the banana, grapes, Cuties
13. Falling apart in chairs, confessions, hugs
14. The kitchen apartment thing, sheets
15. Entrepreneurship, vlogbrothers, Just Kidding Films
16. Professors who post their slides on Blackboard, alleviating the stresses of consistently being absent from class
17. Spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, kale, minor cheese additions
18. Rockstar, Redbull, bitter bitter coffee
19. Ellipticals, people's tendency not to use ellipticals, gym rats, gym rats who care about their journey and let other people quietly pursue their own
20. Friends, the show, and friends, the real ones, the whole friggin' lot of them
21. International demographic of house, American demographic of house, sentiment of house towards house
22. Cameras, phones, phones that work even with ugly ass crack(s)