Sunday, February 19, 2012

Eat me then.

Do people make jokes about cancer? No... that's sick. You wouldn't make fun of schizophrenics, and you wouldn't tell someone acting stupid "LOLOL YOU'RE SO LIKE A DOWN'S KID. LOLOL."
Not lolol. what the heck. Same with using "gay". It hurts people. Its not constitutional, but its also not unconstitutional... I know you can't technically be punished for being offensive. But its not just being mean.
Nowadays, people throw the word "anorexic" and "bulimic" around like they're jokes. Eating a salad? Anorexic! Fasting for one day?  Anorexic! Skinny? Anorexic!
Its not a joke. Its not a joke just like being gay is not a joke. In this case, anorexia is a disease. It's a mental disorder that kills more than schizophrenia and Down's. It's so freakishly insensitive to use these murdering words as "just kidding" moments. Just like every other disorder, this sickness dictates people's lives.
One day, these victims will believe you and give you every reason to never call them fat again.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sweat me daisies

Okay kids. I know that trickle of sweat running down my neck irks your clean hands to no end. I know the drips of perspiration dropping to the floor disgust your sock fashioned, converse laced feet. I know the splash of wetness across my back is the most unfeminine anomaly you have ever seen.
We're playing a sport, people. Its not math. Sports, by definition, require significant physical exertion, some level of pain, and a pooping block of effort, motivation, and determination. You can make fun of me because I have felt every single one those for the past year, hours at a time, in desperate will to, what? yeah, beat you.

Its called thermoregulation. Some people call it sweating. I call it working hard.